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Terms Of Use 1. Introduction 1.1. The present website https://www.parcotechniki.gr/ belongs to the joint stock corporation under the name of «PARCOTECHNIKI ANONYMI ETAIRIA» and the distinguishing title of «PARCOTECHNIKI S.A.» , with VAT number 998562423, with registration number on Hellenic Business Registry 14659835000, which is based in New Santa Kilkis, Postal Code 61100 (hereinafter referred to as The Company), contact email address: info@parcotechniki.gr, phone service line: 2341064700, 2341064300 (New Santa Kilkis), 2102816781 (Tatoiou 92, Metamorphosis Attica, PC 14452), 2310020095 (Riga Feraiou 80, Efkarpia Thessaloniki, PC 56429). 1.2. The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of this website. Visitors or users of the website, before using this website and the services that the Company provides through it, are invited to carefully read and comply with the following binding terms and conditions (the other "Terms”) that govern its use. Any visitor or user who enters this website (hereinafter referred to as a Visitor/User) has to consent and unconditionally accept the following terms which are formulated here, without any exception. If any Visitor/ User does not agree with these terms, then it is their responsibility to refrain from visiting and using the website. 2. General terms 2.1. The Company reserves the right to modify, renew or upgrade at any time and without prior notice to the Visitor/User, cumulatively or disjunctively: a) part or the whole of these terms of use, b) part or the whole of the content of the website and c) part or the whole of external appearance (interface), structure or composition (configuration) of the website , as well as its technical specifications. The Visitor/User has the obligation to read at regular intervals the terms that are in force when navigating/visiting this website. 2.2. The Company reserves the right at any time, without reason and without prior notice to the Visitor/User to abort, suspend or terminate the operation of the website. The Visitor/User acknowledges and unconditionally accepts all of the above just by browsing this website. 3. Information Provided The Company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information listed on this website. The Company is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries made due to error/misdirection in common experience and is entitled to correct them whenever it becomes aware of their existence. 4. Intellectual Property Rights 4.1. All the content of this website, including distinctive titles, marks, images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, etc., are the intellectual property of the Company and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions . 4.2. Any copying, transfer or creation of a derivative work based on the content contained in this website, as well as any misleading of the public about the actual owner and provider of the website, is expressly prohibited. The reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content of the website in any way or mean for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the Company. 4.3. The names, images, logos and distinctive features listed on this website, as well as the Company's products and services are its property, protected by relevant trademark and industrial and intellectual property laws. Their use on this website does not in any way grant a license or right to use them by third parties. 4.4. Total or partial copying, distribution, transfer, processing, storage, reproduction, republishing, modification of any part of the content of the website and any related action without the prior written consent of the Company is expressly prohibited. Otherwise, the above actions will be considered to be an infringement of the intellectual/industrial property rights of the Company, which reserves the right to claim the redress of any positive and/or consequential damage caused to it, in accordance with the provisions of this legislation. 5. User Responsibility 5.1. The Visitor/User agrees and accepts that he is obliged to use the information and data of the website, as provided by law and based on the rules of good faith and alternative morals. You also agree and accept that you are obligated not to restrict or inhibit the use of this website by third parties. 5.2. The Visitor/User is obliged not to use this website, to: 1. send, publish, send by e-mail or transmit in other ways any content that is illegal for any reason, causes illegal insult and damage to the Company and/or to any third party and/or offends the confidentiality and/or privacy of any person's information, 2. sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in other ways any content that offends the user's morals, social values, minors, etc. , 3. send, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that users do not have a right to transmit under the law or applicable agreements (such as, but not limited to, inside information, proprietary and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered in confidentiality agreements), 4. resp post, post, email or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right of any third party of any kind, 5. post, post, email or otherwise transmitting any material that contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or impair the operation of any computer software or hardware, 6. intentional or unintentional infringement of applicable law or regulations, 7. harassing third parties in any way, 8. collecting or storing personal data about other users. 5.3. In the event that the Visitor/User violates his/her obligations above, he/she is required to compensate any type of damage caused to the Company and/or to a third party by bad or unfair use of the Website. 6. Limitation of the Company's liability 6.1. The Company provides its services through the Website in accordance with these terms of use and applicable law. The Company is not responsible for any damages or losses that may be caused to customers and/or users of the Website. 6.2. The Company is not responsible for any form of damage (positive, special or cumulative, which indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) suffered by the Visitor/User or a third party from a cause that is related to the operation or use of the pages, services, options and contents of this website. The above causes include possible errors or omissions during the electronic registration of the information provided, as well as errors, omissions or technical reasons of any kind, which affect or suspend for a reasonable period of time the operation of the Website and/or its services. 6.3. The Company bears no responsibility, in cases of faulty operation of the Website due to random events or reasons of force majeure or reasons caused by the fault of other entities. 6.4. The Company takes all appropriate measures so that access to the Website and its services is, as far as possible, continuous and uninterrupted. However, it reserves its reasonable right to interrupt the operation of the Website and/or individual services to perform system maintenance without prior notification to the user and without being liable to him. 6.5. The Company does not control, nor does it guarantee the reliability, accuracy or quality of any information that appears on the internet through or because of the website, such as indicatively and not limiting any information of any other related website or servers. It also does not guarantee the absence of "viruses" or other harmful components. Consequently, it is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the Visitor/User, who declares that he is using the website or others, on his own initiative and with the knowledge and full and unreserved acceptance of these terms of use. In addition, the Company does not guarantee the commercial or personal solvency of anyone presented online, or the fulfillment of any specific promises/offers by third parties, and is not responsible for any damages that may occur to the Visitor/User or those who deal with him. 6.6. The Company, following prosecutorial intervention or a request from the competent authorities, will follow the legal procedures for law enforcement and may gain access to data concerning the site, files, emails and content of the Visitor/User. This may lead the Company to disclose all information provided to it, including information located on the Company's servers, files and databases of the Visitor/User. 7. Links to other websites 7.1. This website, in order to facilitate and serve its Visitors/Users, may provide, among other things, a connection through "links" hyperlinks or advertising banners, with websites and websites of third parties, for the content, the personal data protection policy, the policy safety, the completeness and quality of the services provided, or the terms of use thereof, the Company cannot guarantee, nor bear any responsibility. Connecting to these websites and websites is the sole responsibility of each user/visitor. The aforementioned third parties, providers of said websites and web pages, have full (civil and criminal) and exclusive responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of their websites and web pages, excluding any liability of the Company, including, but not limited to, liability for intellectual property rights or any right of a third party. Consequently, Visitors/Users are obliged to contact the above third-party providers directly, for anything arising from the visit or use of their websites and webpages. For any problem that may arise when visiting the websites in question, the administrator/owner of this website is solely responsible. 7.2. Despite the fact that the Visitors/Users of this website accept that the Company is neither obliged nor able to check the security and content of both the websites and web pages as well as the services of third parties, to which it provides access, it is nevertheless entitled at any time to remove, to modify or interrupt any third-party service or link to third-party websites and websites, if in its judgment the law or these Terms are threatened or violated. 8. Privacy 8.1. The Company created this website with the sole purpose of informing and serving its customers. In order to achieve the best service, the Visitor/User must provide the Company with specific information, which is preserved by it. 8.2. This Privacy Statement and the attached Terms and Conditions of Use describe the method of data collection from this website, the use of this data by the Company and the terms and conditions of use of this website. This Personal Data Protection Statement refers exclusively to the personal data that the Visitor/User provides to the Company when submitting a communication request with the last one. 8.3. The information voluntarily provided by the Visitors/Users of the website is used by the Company, in order for them to have direct and meaningful communication with the Company, as well as to provide them with answers to specific questions they ask. The Company does not distribute to any other organization or partner that is not connected to it, the electronic addresses or any other information concerning the Visitors/Users. Under no circumstances does the Company receive information about Visitors/Users from third parties. 8.4. The Company only collects the information that its Visitor/User provides in order to submit a request to communicate with it. In the collection of the above information, the Visitor/User expressly and unconditionally agrees and consents, accepting the terms herein. 8.5. When filling out any contact form on this website, the Visitor/User is asked for the name or name of the company or business, the telephone number and the e-mail address. In the collection of the above information, the Visitor/User unconditionally agrees and consents, accepting the terms herein. In addition, more specific information or details about an offer you have requested may be requested. The Company uses the information provided by the Visitor/User during the electronic submission of the form, in order to contact him. 8.6. The information of the Visitor/User, in accordance with the principle of legal processing, is stored for as long as is necessary to fulfill the objectives for which it was collected. The criteria used are the need to comply with any legal requirement, the principle of data minimization and the need for rational management. It is necessary to store the data for at least as long as the fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations requires. The Company uses such strong cryptography when transmitting the information that Visitors/Users provide. 8.7. The Visitor/User may request to receive an extracted file of the personal data that the Company is obliged to keep for administrative, legal or security reasons.Briefly, the rights of the Visitor/User are the following: • Withdrawal of consent Access request • Correction of personal data • Deletion of personal data, otherwise if this is not possible for the company's compliance with any of its legal obligations, the user has the right to limit their processing. • Limiting the processing of personal data • Request regarding automated decision-making and profiling 8.8. In case of a breach, data on the breach is collected and handed over to the relevant authorities. The violation is stopped by technical means and all facilities are provided to the competent authorities according to the Law to investigate incidents of violation. 8.9. In case it is required by the current institutional framework or by police authorities or there is an official decision of a court or an independent authority, the Company may be obliged to share personal data concerning the Visitors/Users of the website. For any issue related to personal data, the Visitor/User can contact the email address info@parcotechniki.gr . 9. Cookies The Company has the possibility to use cookies as part of the facilitation, but also of the operation of the services through the website of the online store. Cookies are small files (text files), which are sent and stored on the user's computer, allowing websites such as this one to function smoothly and without technical anomalies, to collect multiple user options, to recognize frequent users, to facilitate their access to it, as well as to collect data to improve the content of the website. Cookies do not cause damage to users' computers or to the files stored on them. The Company uses cookies to provide information, while each time the Visitor/User exits the site, they are automatically deleted. 10. Security of Transactions The Company is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of the data it collects regarding the Visitors/Users of its website. The procedures followed and adopted by the Company protect user data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, and alteration or destruction. 11. Αpplicable Law and Jurisdiction of Courts 11.1. All issues related to the use of this website will be governed and resolved based on Greek law. 11.2. For any dispute arising between the Visitor/User and the Company regarding the use of this website and the contracts concluded through it, the Courts of Thessaloniki will be exclusively competent. 12. Other terms 12.1. Any provision of the above conditions that becomes contrary to the law or considered invalid by a court decision, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from this, without in any way affecting the validity of the other conditions, which are still valid. 12.2. Any concession, granting of a deadline or non-application of one or more of these Terms on the part of the Company does not in any case constitute and cannot be interpreted as a waiver, temporary or final, partial or total, of any right or claim arising from them or by the law. 12.3. Each Visitor/User uses this Website at his/her own sole risk, and its content can in no way be considered to provide advice or prompt, direct or indirect, to Visitors/Users to take any action. 13. Acceptance of the Website's Privacy Policy Every Visitor/User who enters this website accepts and consents to this Privacy Statement, as well as to all the terms and conditions of use of the website that have been announced through it.
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